4 Key Business Intelligence Systems We Offer Our Clients
If you are running a growing enterprise, you won’t get away from the increasing volume of generated data, which is used to run your operation and make critical business decisions. Data is, essentially, the information around which your company evolves; it informs you of the systems currently in place, how well they are working, and allows for the analytical prediction of the direction in which you are moving. Working with this data effectively means maximising how you view, monitor and action data outputs, thus enabling you to make decisions based on the flow of information which is continually streaming in from every phase of the supply chain. This is where Business Intelligence (BI) systems play a vital role, as they can mean the difference between a successful enterprise and one that wastes time and resources, or loses out on profit.
What Are Business Intelligence Systems?
Business Intelligence systems are comprised of tools that one can use for data governance. These systems leverage various software solutions that help enterprises translate data into insights capable of informing a company’s future decision-making for the better.
Informed strategic and tactical planning means that errors and weaknesses can be dealt with, and innovative solutions can be implemented to streamline organisational operations. Access to these actionable insights must be effortless, quick, and intelligible – and offer usable information on the current state of your organisation.
Business Intelligence systems help you measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in areas like production and profitability. Understanding your organisation’s performance through a platform that is agile, intuitive and adaptable is vital to a thriving company.
At Inhance, we offer four digital BI solutions that provide business insights to our customers.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
This digital BI solution is an integrated software suite that consolidates and simplifies the data derived from all your enterprise’s operations, including sales, marketing, manufacturing and procurement. At Inhance, our fully hosted SAGE SaaS solutions allow a customer to implement an ERP with the appropriate level of smart functionality at a significantly reduced upfront investment. Web-native and adaptive, this business management tool is ideal for all companies with specific capabilities in the manufacturing industry.
- Business Intelligence Reporting
When it comes to visual and custom analytics, two industry-leading solutions, QlikView and Power BI, provide scalable analytical platforms that have been utilised by thousands of customers globally. Whether you are seeking accurate reporting or self-service visual analysis, these systems will enable you to make informed decisions and implement new ideas and solutions with a far greater success rate. Our BI solutions are fully integrated with our ERP solutions.
- Document Management Solutions
By utilising tools like DocuVision, you are privy to essential services such as retrieving and managing electronic documents, as well as processing documents on system-driven workflows and storage. The creation of easily accessible “digital filing cabinets” translates into integrated ERP processes ideal for document-intensive businesses.
- Business Process Design
Your enterprise is working towards goals and objectives, and your business processes need to suit your enterprise model. We assist clients with process design (and redesign, when needed) to ensure performance is increased through improved, streamlined and automated processes.
Are your current Business Intelligence systems working well for you? Are you able to make informed business decisions based on up-to-date and accurate data? If you feel that you are not getting the most out of your systems, contact us today for the design and implementation of robust, flexible solutions.
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