The Profits Behind Smart Supply Chain Design


In this wholly digital era, technology imperatives seem at times to dominate business thinking, mainly because it is such an effective tool to enhance business. This also holds true from a supply chain perspective, where the appropriate technology should be considered as part of the supply chain design to optimise the value chain to increase fulfilment whilst reducing costs.

In fact, the reason why supply chain design has become so imperative today, is partly because technology has enabled and diversified markets to such a massive extent, far beyond the possibilities of even 20 years ago, allowing consumers and business to trade globally through the click of a button. The overwhelming complexity and brisk fluctuations of the modern global marketplace make it essential for anyone who hopes to turn a profit, to have an efficient and highly productive supply chain in place.

Supply Chain Design is About Smart Business 

Right at the outset, with the now wholesale digitisation of business tools and processes, digitising your supply chain is a must-have. It might not seem like a big issue, but every touch point in a supply chain that is lagging behind the pace of modern business, can spin off a number of issues that combine to weigh business down.

When it comes to smart commerce in supply chains, there are several other considerations that guide application:

  • Hot on the heels of broad digitisation, comes the Internet of Things (IoT). The advent of the IoT means greater transparency for business. Yes, transparency of conduct when customer-facing, but also transparency that makes internal management and decision-making easier. The IoT makes inventory a whole lot easier to monitor, tracking intake, stocking, and delivery in real time. The use of sensors also aids maintenance, as predicted wear and tear can be far easier to anticipate and order for, making budgets more legitimate and smarter in application.
  • Of course, the IoT is more than hardware components, and the rapidly increasing intelligence and application of AI is what will make the future so different. According to Gartner, organisations showed a 270 percent increase in AI application in the four years to 2019.
  • Tying into rising customer expectations, sustainability is rising as a component of business conduct per se. Smart supply chains factor this in, and the supply chain is crucial to any business hoping to gain the value of sustainability from the marketplace.

Find a Truly Global, Truly Cost-Effective Supply Chain Design Solution at Inhance

Inhance offers highly experienced supply chain specialists who can assist with your supply chain design. We are a truly customer-centric company, which means that no matter where our clients are in the world, and no matter what the nature of their supply chain needs might be, we accomplish the most with the minimum of disruption and cost.

Just ask our clients, as every one of them across the globe has found Inhance’s design skills and expertise save them money, improve productivity, and grow their businesses year on year. Business is sufficiently challenging without losing out on hidden potential and profits, without facing a relatively unknown future with inefficiencies in tow. Smart business today is about staying apace, optimising systems and protocols, and insisting on the most cost-effective route to overall fitness. Call us or mail us and let Inhance show you where the glitter lies!

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